
  • Cumulus Antwerp 2023 - Connectivity and Creativity in Times of Conflict

Title: Design for Ukraine’s Heritage: Engaging International Students During Times of War Through Design Activism - Author(s): Barbara, Anna; Albano, Annunziata; Cantalupi, Silvia; Baharlouei, Elena; Mostafaei, Amirreza

Status: Published (access)

  • Call for Paper PAD#25 - POST-DOMESTIC HABITAT

Title: Redefining Paradigms: How Technology Shapes Interior Spaces in the Age of Drones and Flying Cars - Author(s): Barbara, Anna; Baharlouei, Elena

Status: Published (access)

  • Design and Anthropology: Impact of Environment on Human Settlements

Status: On Going

  • Playscape: Theory of Landscape Design - IED Istituto Europeo di Design

Status: On Going