
  • RJM | Renato Jaime Morganti Studio & IED Istituto Europeo di Design

Researcher, Designer - Lead: Renato Jaime Morganti

  • Lab_i_r_int Laboratory of Innovation and Research on Interiors, Poitecnico di Milano - School of Design

Researcher, Designer - Administrative Team: Alessandro Biamonti, Michele De Lucchi, Anna Barbara, Andrea Branzi, Barbara Camocini

  • Fluid Motion Architects

Designer - Leads: Reza Daneshmir, Catherine Spiridonoff

  • Bra[ket Design Studio

Intern - Lead: Shervin Hosseini


Graduated with cum laude in the MSc Interior and Spatial Design, School of Design Politecnico di Milano

Bachelor’s degree in Architecture, the School of Art and Architecture, IAUCTB Central Tehran Branch

High School and Pre-University, Tehran Ibn Sina School


  • Cumulus Antwerp 2023 - Connectivity and Creativity in Times of Conflict

Title: Design for Ukraine’s Heritage: Engaging International Students During Times of War Through Design Activism - Author(s): Barbara, Anna; Albano, Annunziata; Cantalupi, Silvia; Baharlouei, Elena; Mostafaei, Amirreza

Status: Published (access)

  • Call for Paper PAD#25 - POST-DOMESTIC HABITAT

Title: Redefining Paradigms: How Technology Shapes Interior Spaces in the Age of Drones and Flying Cars - Author(s): Barbara, Anna; Baharlouei, Elena

Status: Published (access)

  • Design and Anthropology: Impact of Environment on Human Settlements

Status: On Going

  • Playscape: Theory of Landscape Design - IED Istituto Europeo di Design

Status: On Going


  • COMMERCE. CULTURE. EXCHANGE - Middlesex University London and PoliMI Design School (PoliMI TIS + MDXInterios)

Mentors: David Fern, Francesca Murialdo, Jason Scoot, Anna Barbara, Giovanna Piccinno


Mentors: Emanuele Coccia, Giovanna Piccinno, Elisa Cattaneo. Activators: Andrea Branzi, Bruno Zamborlin + Roberto Bolle, Lorenzo Palmeri, Matteo Ghidoni, Tomás Saraceno, Quiet Ensemble, Francesco Micheli, Massimo Bottura, Cristiana Perrella, 2021


Design Variations, Milano Design Week. Mentors: Michele De Lucci, Francesca Balena Arista

e.Reporter - Photographer for Milano Design Week. Fuorisalone.it, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024

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